Dear Auburn Families and Community Members,
As you know, the Auburn School Committee has begun the important task of selecting the next Superintendent of
Schools for the Auburn School Department. The School Committee is interested in hearing what expertise and
strengths you would like to see in the next Superintendent. From now through Friday, January 26th, 2024, a survey
will be open to the public for this purpose. We hope you will take time to participate and share your thoughts. You
can access the survey by using this link:
The Committee is also excited to invite family members and community members to participate on the
Superintendent Search Committee. The job of the Search Committee includes attending mandatory workshops,
screening the applications and participating in the first round of interviews. While we know many may be interested in
participating, there will only be (3) community member slots available.
So that the selection process is fair, we ask that you email a letter identifying why you are interested in participating
on the Search Committee to [email protected] no later than Friday, January 26th, 2024. If you are unable
to email it, please mail it to: Auburn School Department, ATTN: Pamela Albert, 60 Court Street, #247, Auburn, ME
04210. Again, to be fair and transparent, once the letters are received, copies of each letter will be provided to the
Search Committee without identifying information. Parents/community members who are interested in submitting a
letter of interest should include if you have children attending Auburn Schools and must be current residents of
Auburn. Also, please include in your letter that you are available to participate in the following mandatory dates listed
Search Committee Workshop, Thursday, February 1st, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, Auburn City Hall
Search Committee Workshop, Tuesday, February 13th, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, Auburn City Hall
First Round of Interviews, Saturday, March 2nd, 2024, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Auburn City Hall
People who submit letters of interest will be notified if they have been selected no later than January 30th, 2024.
If you have questions regarding the search process, please reach out to Pamela Albert ([email protected]).
Pamela Foster Albert
School Committee Chair and Superintendent Search Committee Chair
Click here to view letter in PDF format