Explore Nature
Exploring nature provides opportunities to develop balance and gross motor control, and visual skills.
Playing on playground equipment builds gross motor coordination, balance, and strength, fine motor strength, visual-motor coordination, and encourages motor planning and problem solving.
**Follow guidelines and CDC recommendations for safe playground use.**
Drawing with chalk uses gross motor, fine motor, and visual motor skills.
Take turns tracing each other and create self-portraits
Create obstacle courses with a variety of lines, shapes, letters, and numbers
Create a bullseye to work on eye-hand coordination
Draw "follow the line" mazes of squiggly lines, circles, and zig zags to walk, run, scooter, or drive cars through
Create grids with letters, numbers, or sight words inside to practice reading skills
Play sidewalk Twister with red, green, yellow, and blue circles
Water Play
With warmer temperatures right around the corner, don't forget the wonderful opportunities water play provides.
Always provide supervision and needed assistance to maintain safety with water activities.
Set up a sprinkler and jump from side to side, can you run or wheel through it without getting wet?
Become a puddle jumper, who can make the biggest splash or jump the furthest?
Have a body of water near by? Who can skip a rock? Throw a rock the furthest? Stand on one foot while only getting their big toe wet?
**Always remember water safety and supervision.**
Community Resources
While opportunities to participate in community activities may be limited during this pandemic, the following are some resources for your child to explore when the time is appropriate!
**These are adaptive activities and may not be appropriate for all children. You will find more information on their indidivual websites.
Online Community Resources
Many local facilities are providing suggestions for fun activities at home and outdoors during this difficult time. Check out some of the resources below.
Virtual- Outdoorsy stories with the Lewiston Public Library- Check them out on Facebook for additional information
Virtual- Tour Pineland Farms - check this out via Facebook for additional opportunties.
Wolfe's Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment- Click the link to the right to check out the many virtual opportunities shared through this site!
Family Staycation Kit- check out these indoor leisure activities to complete as a family.
Educational Activities - Wolfe's Neck
Keep busy with the many resources from Wolfe's Neck Farm for activities to try outside or in your home.